Oaxaca for digital nomads, the full guide

Welcome to Oaxaca, Mexico’s vibrant and colourful city that has captured the hearts of digital nomads worldwide. This ultimate guide will explore the ins and outs of living and working in this enchanting destination, from its affordable cost of living to its thriving culture, making it a top choice for location-independent professionals.

Whether you’re seeking high-speed internet or relishing in mouth-watering local cuisine, our comprehensive Digital Nomad Guide to Oaxaca covers everything you need to know.

Oaxaca, Mexico – My Cultural Digital Sojourn

Stepping into the vibrant city of Oaxaca, Mexico, I was immediately captivated by the rich tapestry of colors, scents, and flavors that enveloped the air. This charming colonial town, nestled in the heart of the Sierra Madre mountain range, had become my digital nomad oasis. Join me as I recount my unforgettable journey through the bustling streets, workspaces, cultural gems, and lively nightlife of Oaxaca.

Finding the perfect place to work was a breeze in this city that embraced the digital nomad spirit. Café Brujula, a charming coffee shop tucked away in the historic center, became my go-to spot. The aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans greeted me as I settled into a cozy corner, surrounded by locals working on their laptops or engaged in lively conversations. The strong Wi-Fi connection and tranquil ambiance fueled my productivity, allowing me to immerse myself in my work while savoring the rich flavors of Oaxacan coffee.

When I needed a change of scenery, I sought refuge in the stunning courtyard of Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca (IAGO). Surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sound of a trickling fountain, I would find inspiration amidst the pages of books and artistic exhibits. It was a sanctuary of creativity that nurtured my imagination and allowed my ideas to flourish.

But Oaxaca wasn’t just a place to work; it was a place to embrace the local culture and indulge in its vibrant traditions. Exploring the city’s UNESCO World Heritage-listed historic center, I marveled at the Baroque architecture, intricate churches, and colorful markets that lined the streets. The Zócalo, the central square, was a hive of activity, buzzing with street performers, artisans selling their wares, and locals enjoying the lively atmosphere.

One of my favorite pastimes was exploring the Mercado Benito Juárez, an indoor market bursting with sights, sounds, and flavors. I would lose myself in the maze of stalls, sampling regional delicacies like tlayudas, mole, and chapulines. The market was a culinary adventure, a feast for the senses, where I discovered the depth and complexity of Oaxacan cuisine.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Oaxaca’s nightlife beckoned. The city transformed into a lively stage, offering a plethora of entertainment options. El Llano, a park in the heart of the city, would come alive with open-air concerts, showcasing the vibrant music scene of Oaxaca. I would sway to the melodies of traditional folk music and dance alongside the locals, immersed in the joyous celebration of life.

For a more intimate and laid-back experience, I would venture into the bohemian neighborhood of Jalatlaco. Quirky bars and mezcalerías dotted the streets, offering an array of artisanal mezcal crafted by local distillers. Sipping on this smoky elixir, I would engage in heartfelt conversations with fellow nomads and locals, exchanging stories and laughter late into the night.

Weekends were reserved for exploring the surrounding natural wonders. I would embark on hikes through the breathtaking landscapes of Hierve el Agua, where petrified waterfalls and mineral-rich pools created a surreal spectacle. The air was crisp, the vistas awe-inspiring, and the connection with nature revitalizing.

As my time in Oaxaca came to an end, I carried with me the memories of an enriching digital nomad experience. The city had woven its cultural threads into my heart, reminding me of the beauty that lies in embracing new environments, fostering connections, and pursuing a life of creativity and exploration. Oaxaca, you will forever hold a special

Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., México

Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., México

Key Takeaways

  • Oaxaca is an affordable destination for digital nomads, with a range of accommodation options and a low cost of living.
  • The city boasts high-speed internet access and several co-working spaces catering to remote workers.
  • With its vibrant culture, festivals, language exchange groups, and natural beauty, Oaxaca offers plenty of opportunities to immerse oneself in Mexican heritage while staying productive as a digital nomad.

Oaxaca digital nomad guide

Oaxaca is a digital nomad’s paradise due to its affordability, vibrant culture, high-speed internet availability and various co-working spaces.

Reasons Why Oaxaca Is A Great Destination

Oaxaca has increasingly become a popular choice for digital nomads, and it’s not hard to see why. Some of the top reasons that make Oaxaca an attractive destination are:

  1. Affordable cost of living: As one of the cheapest digital nomad destinations in Mexico, Oaxaca allows you to stretch your budget further.
  2. Culturally diverse environment: The vibrant culture, rich history, and welcoming locals found in Oaxaca make for a truly immersive experience.
  3. Safe and easily navigable city: Solo travellers can feel confident exploring Oaxaca with its reputation as a safe city and easy-to-navigate streets.
  4. High-speed internet availability: Reliable internet speeds at coworking spaces and cafes across the city enable digital nomads to stay connected and productive.
  5. Natural beauty and outdoor recreation: From hiking trails to pristine beaches, there is no shortage of opportunities to connect with nature and stay active in Oaxaca.
  6. Cultural heritage sites: Abundant historic landmarks, archaeological sites, and museums offer endless possibilities for exploration during your downtime.
  7. Exciting food scene: The diverse culinary landscape includes mouth-watering local cuisine, street food, vegetarian options, craft beer establishments, and mezcalerias.
  8. Festivals and events: Year-round celebrations such as Guelaguetza Festival showcase traditional music, dance, costumes, art exhibitions, parades, fireworks displays, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the local festivities.
  9. Language exchange groups: Easy access to language learning opportunities will help you connect with locals while improving your Spanish skills.
  10. Digital nomad community: A growing network of like-minded individuals means you’ll have plenty of support from fellow digital nomads during your stay in Oaxaca.

With such an array of offerings catered towards the modern-day traveller’s needs combined with an enchanting cultural backdrop – it’s no wonder that digital nomads are flocking to Oaxaca City.

What You Need To Know Before Arriving

Before embarking on your digital nomad journey to Oaxaca, it’s essential to gather relevant information and prepare accordingly. One crucial aspect is understanding the visa requirements for Mexico, as there are different options available depending on the length of your stay and purpose.

Another important consideration is researching accommodation options in advance. While Oaxaca offers various housing choices such as apartments, hostels or Airbnb rentals, booking ahead of time can save you money and provide peace of mind.

For instance, Ian Ord – a full-time travel blogger and digital nomad with years of experience living in Oaxaca – recommends browsing Facebook groups focused on local rentals and asking fellow travellers for advice.

In addition to visas and accommodations, preparing yourself for life in Oaxaca means familiarising yourself with the local customs and culture. Learning basic Spanish phrases will go a long way in making your experience more enjoyable while navigating daily life in this vibrant city.

Affordable Cost Of Living

Oaxaca boasts a low cost of living, making it an ideal destination for digital nomads on a tight budget. From affordable accommodations to inexpensive street food options, you can stretch your money further in Oaxaca than in other Mexican cities.

Accommodation Options – places to stay in Oaxaca

In Oaxaca, digital nomads will find a variety of accommodation options that cater to different budgets and preferences. Here are some popular choices:

  • Airbnb: A wide range of private rooms or entire apartments can be found on Airbnb, with prices starting from $10 per night for a basic room and going up to $50 or more for an upscale apartment.
  • Hostels: Budget-conscious digital nomads may opt for staying in hostels that offer dormitory-style accommodation as well as private rooms. Prices typically range between $5 – $15 per night.
  • Serviced Apartments: For those seeking the comforts of home with added amenities such as cleaning services and a front desk, serviced apartments are available at various price points.
  • Long-term Rentals: If you plan to stay in Oaxaca for an extended period, consider renting an apartment or house through local real estate agencies or online platforms such as Facebook groups dedicated to housing in Oaxaca.
  • Shared Living Spaces: Co-living spaces provide digital nomads with not only accommodation but also opportunities to network and form friendships with like-minded individuals. These spaces often come equipped with shared working areas, utilities included, and social events tailored towards remote workers.

Remember to take into account factors such as location, proximity to coworking spaces or cafes, safety and security, as well as your individual preferences when choosing the right accommodation option for your stay in Oaxaca.

Monthly Budget And Expenses

Living in Oaxaca as a digital nomad is an attractive option thanks to the affordable cost of living. Here’s a breakdown of the typical monthly budget and expenses you can expect to encounter while living and working in Oaxaca:

Expense Cost (USD)
Rent (1-Bedroom Apartment) $300 – $500
Utilities (Electricity, Water, Gas) $50 – $100
Internet $25 – $50
Co-working Space $100 – $200
Groceries $150 – $300
Eating Out $100 – $200
Local Transportation $20 – $50
Entertainment and Activities $50 – $150
Health Insurance $50 – $100
Miscellaneous $50 – $100
Total $975 – $1,650


These estimates are for a single digital nomad. If you’re travelling as a couple, you can expect to spend as little as $1,150 USD per month, making Oaxaca an even more budget-friendly option. Keep in mind that these costs may vary depending on your lifestyle choices and personal preferences.

Vibrant Culture

Experience local festivals and events or join language exchange groups to immerse yourself in Oaxaca’s vibrant culture as a digital nomad.

Oaxaca Nightlife

here are some of the best places for nightlife in Oaxaca:

    • La Casa del Mezcal: This bar is a great place to try mezcal, the traditional Mexican spirit. They have a wide variety of mezcals to choose from, and the staff is knowledgeable and happy to help you choose the right one.
La Casa del Mezcal, Oaxaca
    • Mezcalogia: This bar is another great place to try mezcal. They have a more extensive mezcal selection than La Casa del Mezcal, and they also offer mezcal tastings.
    • La Mezcaloteca: This bar is a great place to learn about mezcal. They have a knowledgeable staff who can teach you about the different types of mezcal and how to drink it.
La Mezcaloteca, Oaxaca
    • El Piano Bar: This bar is a great place to relax and enjoy a drink with friends. They have a wide selection of drinks, and the piano player provides a relaxing atmosphere.

In addition to these bars, there are also a number of clubs in Oaxaca. These clubs offer a variety of music, from salsa to electronica.

If you’re looking for a lively nightlife scene, Oaxaca is the perfect place for you. There are something for everyone, from traditional bars to trendy clubs.

Local Festivals And Events

Oaxaca is known for its rich cultural heritage, and the city celebrates this with numerous festivals and events throughout the year. As a digital nomad in Oaxaca, you won’t want to miss:

  • Guelaguetza: This festival takes place in July and features traditional dances, food, and crafts from different regions of Oaxaca.
  • Noche de Rábanos: Held on December 23rd each year, this unique festival showcases intricate sculptures made from radishes.
  • Feria del Mezcal: Mezcal enthusiasts will love this festival held in late July/early August that celebrates this iconic Mexican spirit.
  • Dia de los Muertos: While not specific to Oaxaca, this important holiday is celebrated with great fervor in the city. Experience the vibrant altars and parades around November 1st.
  • Festival of the Virgin of El Carmen: Celebrated around mid-July, this event includes traditional dances and other performances in honor of the patron saint of sailors.

With these festivals and many more happening throughout the year, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in Oaxacan culture as a digital nomad.

Language Exchange Groups

Oaxaca’s vibrant culture extends beyond its festivals and events, as it offers plenty of language exchange groups for digital nomads. These groups provide a fantastic opportunity to practice Spanish or learn some indigenous languages like Zapotec.

You can connect with locals who are eager to learn English or other languages in exchange for teaching their native tongue.

One such example is the Oaxaca Language Exchange group on Facebook that has over 2k members. Another great place to meet people is Cafébrería El Péndulo, which hosts weekly informal conversation nights for all levels of Spanish speakers.

High-Speed Internet And Best Places To Work

Oaxaca boasts high-speed internet and a variety of workspaces, from co-working spaces to cafes and outdoor areas. Discover the best places to work while enjoying the city’s vibrant culture and affordable cost of living.

CoWorking Spaces in Oaxaca with good internet

Oaxaca offers a variety of great co-working spaces for digital nomads. Here are some of the best:

  1. Convivio: This is the go-to coworking space in Oaxaca, featuring speedy internet, comfortable chairs, and a great community atmosphere.
  2. Impact Hub Oaxaca: This is another popular co-working space, with a focus on sustainability and social impact.
  3. Coworking La Calera: This co-working space has a relaxed vibe and an outdoor garden area that’s great for taking breaks.
  4. Las Hormigas: A spacious shared office space with a fantastic location right in the heart of Oaxaca.
  5. Centro de la Imagen: This cultural center offers not only photo exhibitions but also co-working spaces for creatives to work and connect with other artists.
  6. Nomad Hub MX: A brand new workspace located in downtown Oaxaca City, offering fast internet speed and professional workstations.

Whether you prefer a lively community-driven atmosphere or a more peaceful environment to get your work done, there’s sure to be a perfect co-working space for you in Oaxaca!

Cost of living in Oaxaca

Here are some examples of the cost of food staples in Oaxaca:

  • Milk: 1 liter = $1.50
  • Eggs: 1 dozen = $2.00
  • Bread: 1 loaf = $1.00
  • Rice: 1 kilogram = $1.50
  • Beans: 1 kilogram = $1.00
  • Chicken: 1 kilogram = $3.00
  • Beef: 1 kilogram = $4.00
  • Pork: 1 kilogram = $3.00
  • Fish: 1 kilogram = $2.00
  • Fruits and vegetables: Prices vary depending on the season.

In general, the cost of food in Oaxaca is very affordable. You can easily eat well on a budget. There are many local markets where you can buy fresh, high-quality produce. There are also many small restaurants that serve delicious, authentic Mexican food at very reasonable prices.

Coffee shops and restaurants

Oaxaca has a bustling food and drink scene, with numerous cafes and restaurants to choose from. Here are some of the best options for digital nomads:

  • Cafe Brujula: This cosy cafe is popular among locals and tourists alike, thanks to its great drinks and snacks, free wifi, and comfortable seating.
  • El Andariego: For a traditional Oaxacan meal or snack, head to El Andariego. This restaurant serves up delicious tlayudas (large tortillas topped with beans, cheese, meat, and other toppings), along with a range of other dishes.
  • La Popular: If you’re looking for a place to work while enjoying your coffee or smoothie bowl, La Popular is an excellent choice. The cafe has several tables with power outlets and fast wifi.
  • Boulenc: This bakery serves up delicious breads, pastries, and breakfast items in a relaxed atmosphere. There are several tables available for working while you eat.
  • Lobo Azul: For a more upscale dining experience, check out Lobo Azul. The restaurant serves Mexican-inspired cuisine made with locally-sourced ingredients. There’s even an outdoor patio area if you prefer to work al fresco.
  • Hierba Dulce: This vegetarian cafe offers light bites like quiches, salads and sandwiches as well as tasty coffee concoctions plus desserts that will satisfy your sweet tooth cravings all day long!

Keep in mind that many cafes also serve alcohol if you want to mix things up after work hours!

Outdoor Spaces

Oaxaca is known for its stunning natural beauty, making it the perfect destination for digital nomads who enjoy spending time outdoors. Hiking and mountain biking are two popular activities that nomads can engage in while exploring the lush landscapes around Oaxaca.

For those looking to immerse themselves in nature, ecotourism opportunities abound in Oaxaca’s surrounding areas. From bird watching to exploring petrified waterfalls or relaxing by natural hot springs, there is something for everyone seeking an outdoor adventure.

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Food And Drink Options

Experience the authentic taste of Oaxaca with its delicious street food and local cuisine, including vegetarian and vegan options, along with craft beer and mezcal.

Street Food And Local Cuisine

If you’re a digital nomad in Oaxaca, you won’t want to miss out on the amazing street food and local cuisine. Here are some tips to help you dive into the delicious food scene:

  • Try traditional Oaxacan dishes like mole negro, tlayudas, and chapulines (grasshoppers) at local restaurants or street vendors.
  • Visit one of the many open – air markets in Oaxaca to purchase fresh produce and traditional Mexican food products such as chillies, chocolate, and mezcal.
  • Enjoy a refreshing agua fresca made with seasonal fruit or a rich hot chocolate from a local market stall.
  • For vegetarians and vegans, Oaxaca offers plenty of plant – based options such as vegan tamales, elote (corn on the cob), and chiles rellenos stuffed with vegetables.
  • Take part in a cooking class with locals to learn how to prepare traditional Mexican dishes using fresh ingredients.
  • Don’t forget to indulge in some of the city’s famous sweet treats like pan dulce (sweet bread), nieves (fruit sorbets), and churros.

With so many options for great food in Oaxaca, you’ll have no trouble finding something delicious to satisfy your taste buds while living the digital nomad lifestyle.

Vegetarian And Vegan Options

Oaxaca City has a vibrant food scene that includes plenty of options for vegetarians and vegans. Check out these top picks for meat-free meals:

  • La Casa de Tio Guero: This popular restaurant serves up tasty vegetarian dishes such as stuffed peppers, enchiladas, and chiles rellenos (stuffed poblano peppers). They also have options for vegans, including vegan cheese quesadillas.
  • Verde Sabor: This cosy cafe offers organic vegetarian and vegan fare, including smoothie bowls, salads, and tacos filled with grilled cactus or tempeh. They also sell natural health products and host yoga classes.
  • El Jardín: Located in the Jardín Conzatti park, this little stand is known for its delicious vegetarian tlayudas (large tortillas filled with beans, cheese, avocado, lettuce and salsa). They also offer tacos made with mushrooms or soy “meat”.
  • La Olla: One of Oaxaca’s most famous restaurants specializes in modern Mexican cuisine using fresh local ingredients. Vegetarian options include mole negro with grilled vegetables or pumpkin seed-crusted tofu. The chef can also prepare vegan dishes upon request.
  • Los Danzantes: This upscale restaurant offers haute cuisine inspired by traditional Mexican flavours. Their vegetarian menu features dishes such as beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese foam or sweet potato ravioli with herb oil. They can also accommodate vegans if notified in advance.

With so many delicious options available, digital nomads will have no trouble finding meat-free meals that satisfy their taste buds in Oaxaca City. Plus, the city’s emphasis on locally sourced produce means that even carnivores may be tempted to try some of the vegetarian offerings.

Craft Beer And Mezcal

Oaxaca is known for its delicious food and drink, and digital nomads are sure to enjoy the craft beer and mezcal options available throughout the city. Local microbreweries offer a range of unique beers, including those made with native ingredients such as cacao and corn.

Mezcal, a traditional Mexican spirit made from agave plants, is also popular in Oaxaca.

When it comes to finding these drinks, there are plenty of bars and restaurants in Oaxaca that offer craft beer and mezcal options. For example, La Mezcalerita is a popular bar that specializes in mezcal cocktails.

In addition, many local restaurants serve both craft beer and mezcal alongside their delicious cuisine.

Oaxaca, Oax., México

Oaxaca, Oax., México

Things to do in Oaxaca

Explore Oaxaca’s rich culture by visiting its art galleries and museums, historical landmarks, and attending traditional music events. Immerse yourself in the local culture through language exchange groups or participate in festivals and celebrations.

Art Galleries And Museums

Oaxaca is known for its rich cultural heritage, which can be seen in the numerous art galleries and museums scattered throughout the city. Here are some of the top galleries and museums that digital nomads should explore when visiting Oaxaca:

  1. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (MACO) – This museum boasts an impressive collection of contemporary art from both Mexican and international artists.
  2. Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca (IAGO) – Founded in 1988, this institute houses a library with over 16,000 books and a large collection of prints created by local artists.
  3. Museo del Palacio – Housed in a historic building that once served as a government palace, this museum showcases pre-Hispanic artifacts and colonial-era art.
  4. Centro Fotográfico Manuel Álvarez Bravo – Named after one of Mexico’s most celebrated photographers, this gallery features exhibitions by both established and emerging photographers.
  5. Casa de la Ciudad – Located in the heart of Oaxaca’s historic center, this museum highlights the city’s unique architecture and history.
  6. Textile Museum of Oaxaca – Dedicated to preserving traditional textile arts from across Mexico, this museum features exhibits on techniques such as weaving, embroidery, and dyeing.
  7. Rufino Tamayo Museum – Named after one of Mexico’s most famous modernist painters, this museum houses a vast collection of modern and contemporary art.
  8. Zapotec Weaving Museum – This small museum offers visitors a chance to learn about traditional Zapotec weaving techniques and see examples of intricate textiles created by local artisans.
  9. Santo Domingo Cultural Center – A former monastery turned cultural center, Santo Domingo hosts temporary art exhibits as well as permanent collections on archaeology and ethnography.
  10. Casa Museo Francisco Toledo – This museum pays tribute to one of Oaxaca’s most famous artists, Francisco Toledo, and features a permanent collection of his work as well as temporary exhibitions by other contemporary artists.

With so many galleries and museums to choose from, digital nomads in Oaxaca will never run out of cultural activities to explore.

Archaeological Sites And Historical Landmarks

Oaxaca is a city steeped in history and culture. For digital nomads interested in exploring archaeological sites and historical landmarks, here are some must-visit spots:

  1. Monte Alban – this ancient Zapotec city boasts stunning views and impressive ruins, including pyramids, ball courts, and temples.
  2. Mitla – known for its intricate mosaics and decorative stonework, Mitla is an important site for the Mixtec people.
  3. Yagul – located just outside of Oaxaca City, Yagul features impressive architectural structures such as the Palace of the Six Patios and a ball court.
  4. Santo Domingo de Guzman Church – built in the 16th century, this church is considered one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture in Mexico.
  5. Ethnobotanical Garden – this garden showcases the diverse plant life of Oaxaca’s indigenous communities and their uses in traditional medicine and crafts.
  6. Benito Juarez Market – while not an archaeological site per se, this market has been a hub for commerce since pre-Hispanic times and offers a glimpse into daily life in Oaxaca.

Whether you’re interested in ancient ruins or colonial architecture, there’s something for every history buff in Oaxaca.

Performances And Music Events

Oaxaca City is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditions, which are evident in the various performances and music events held throughout the year. Here are some of the must-see performances and music events for digital nomads to experience:

  1. Guelaguetza Festival – This vibrant festival takes place in July and features colourful dance performances with elaborate costumes, traditional music, and regional cuisine.
  2. Noche de Rábanos – Held on December 23rd, this event showcases intricate radish carvings created by local artisans.
  3. Oaxaca FilmFest – Film lovers can enjoy a diverse range of international films screened during this annual film festival in October.
  4. Jazz Fest Oaxaca – Music lovers can groove to jazz, blues, and Latin rhythms at this festival held in November.
  5. Saber del Sabor Festival – Foodies can experience the unique flavours of Oaxacan cuisine during this culinary festival held every October.
  6. Day of the Dead – This iconic Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1st and 2nd is an opportunity to witness colourful altars, processions, and traditional offerings to honour loved ones who have passed away.
  7. Santo Domingo de Guzmán Fair – Held in August, this fair commemorates Oaxaca’s patron saint with fireworks displays, bullfighting, street fairs, live music performances and much more.

With so many vibrant cultural events happening throughout the year in Oaxaca City there is no shortage of entertainment options for digital nomads looking to immerse themselves in local culture

Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca, México

Hierve el Agua, Oaxaca, México

Is Oaxaca safe?

Oaxaca is generally considered to be a safe city. However, as with any travel destination, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to protect yourself from crime. Here are a few tips for staying safe in Oaxaca:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: This is especially important at night, when crime rates are higher. Be aware of your belongings and take precautions to protect them from pickpockets.
  • Don’t carry large amounts of cash: If you must carry cash, keep it in a hidden pocket or bag.
  • Don’t wear flashy jewelry or clothing: This can make you a target for thieves.
  • Don’t drink too much alcohol: Alcohol can impair your judgment and make you more vulnerable to crime.
  • Be careful when using ATMs: Only use ATMs in well-lit areas and be sure to cover your PIN.
  • Trust your instincts: If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, leave.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your trip to Oaxaca is safe and enjoyable.

Outdoor Adventures

Explore Oaxaca’s stunning natural beauty with its hiking trails, surfing hotspots, and ecotourism activities.

Hiking And Mountains

If you’re a digital nomad with a love for the great outdoors, Oaxaca has much to offer beyond its vibrant cultural scene. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Monte Albán: This archaeological site just outside the city is surrounded by mountains and offers stunning views as you explore ancient ruins.
  2. Sierra Norte Mountains: The towering peaks and verdant forests make for a perfect hiking destination, with trails ranging from easy to challenging.
  3. Hierve el Agua: This natural wonder features petrified waterfall formations and stunning views of the surrounding mountains, making it ideal for a day hike or picnic.
  4. San Pablo Etla: Visit this picturesque village nestled in the mountains and enjoy hikes through its lush green surroundings, where you can spot wildlife such as deer and foxes.
  5. Sierra Juárez Mountains: For serious backpackers, this range offers multi-day treks through rugged terrain and remote villages, with opportunities to stay with local families along the way.

With so many options for outdoor adventures just a short distance from Oaxaca City, digital nomads can easily balance work and play while enjoying all that this beautiful region has to offer.

Surfing And Beaches

  • Oaxaca’s coastline offers some of the best surf breaks in Mexico, attracting surfers from all over the world.
  • Puerto Escondido is a beach town known for its giant waves and is popular among surfers and backpackers.
  • The laid – back towns like Chacahua are worth exploring if you want to get away from tourist crowds and enjoy the waves in peace.
  • Surfing season in Oaxaca mainly runs from June to October, but some breaks work year – round.
  • There are many options for accommodation along the coast, ranging from backpacker hostels to luxury hotels.
  • If you’re not into surfing, the beaches in Oaxaca still offer plenty of opportunities for relaxation and sunbathing.
  • Some popular beaches include Mazunte, Zipolite, and Huatulco.
  • However, it’s important to note that some of these beaches can have strong currents and may not be suitable for swimming. Always obey warning signs and take safety precautions when entering the water.

Ecotourism And Sustainability

Oaxaca is a state that prides itself on its biodiversity, and ecotourism and adventure tourism are steadily increasing in popularity. Travellers can explore mountain biking, rappelling, climbing, camping, and observation of flora and fauna as outdoor adventures in Oaxaca.

The state offers hidden hiking gems that traverse the lands of different indigenous communities involved in sustainable farming.

If you’re a digital nomad interested in sustainability, Oaxaca should be high up on your list of potential destinations.


Getting around Oaxaca is easy with options such as walking, biking or public transportation.

Walking And Biking

Oaxaca City is a great destination for digital nomads who love walking and biking. Here are some things to keep in mind when exploring the city on foot or by bike:

  1. Oaxaca has a compact historic centre, which makes it easy to explore the city’s main attractions on foot.
  2. The streets in Oaxaca can be narrow and crowded, so it’s important to take care when walking or cycling.
  3. Bikes can be rented from several locations throughout the city, including the Zócalo and around the Templo de Santo Domingo de Guzmán.
  4. Oaxaca has several parks that are perfect for walking or cycling, including Parque Juárez and Parque El Llano.
  5. Some of the nearby villages outside of Oaxaca City, such as San Felipe del Agua, are also great places to explore on foot or by bike.

While not specifically mentioned in [IMPORTANT FACTS], it is worth noting that while biking is a popular way to get around for locals and tourists alike, safety gear such as helmets may not be readily available or mandatory in all areas. It is always important to take necessary precautions and follow local laws while cycling.

Public Transportation

Public transportation in Oaxaca city is an affordable and efficient way to get around. Here are some important facts to keep in mind:

  1. Public buses: The public buses in Oaxaca City are a popular mode of transportation, with fares as low as M$8/US$.40. They run frequently and cover most parts of the city.
  2. Private bus lines: There are numerous private bus lines that operate within the city, offering more comfort and speed than public buses.
  3. Taxis: Taxis are available throughout the city, but they can be more expensive than public transport. It’s advisable to negotiate the fare before getting into a taxi.
  4. Didi: Didi is a ride-sharing service that operates in Oaxaca City and provides affordable rides for airport transfers or getting around the city.
  5. No Uber service: Unfortunately, there is no Uber service in Oaxaca City, but you can hail cabs on the street if needed.

With these transportation options available, getting around Oaxaca City as a digital nomad should be a breeze!

Car Rentals And Shared Rides

Renting a car in Oaxaca can give you the freedom to explore this beautiful state at your pace. You can find several car rental companies that offer great deals for long-term rentals, making it ideal for digital nomads who want to move around freely.

Before renting a car, make sure you have an international driver’s license and familiarize yourself with local driving laws. Shared rides are also a fantastic option if you’re looking for more affordable transportation options.

The most popular ones are called “colectivos” which are shared vans or cars used as taxis between cities or towns and cost less than private taxis or Ubers.

Health And Safety Considerations

When living in Oaxaca as a digital nomad, it’s important to take into account any potential health and safety considerations. This includes being aware of crime and scams, ensuring you have proper healthcare and insurance coverage, adjusting to the climate and altitude if necessary, and more.

Crime And Scams

While Oaxaca is generally a safe place to live, it’s important to be aware of certain risks associated with the city. Petty theft and scams targeting tourists are fairly common in tourist areas and crowded places, so it’s best to keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

It’s also worth noting that there have been concerns about cartel violence in some parts of Mexico, including Oaxaca. While these problems are mostly limited to border areas far from Oaxaca City, it’s still wise to stay informed about any potential safety issues while travelling around the state.

Healthcare And Insurance

As a digital nomad staying in Oaxaca, it’s important to have healthcare and insurance coverage. Safety Wing is a recommended travel insurance option for those planning to stay long-term in Mexico, including Oaxaca.

It provides medical emergency coverage and access to local hospitals and specialists if needed. It’s also worth noting that many digital nomads who have lived in Oaxaca report positive experiences with the quality of medical care available within the city.

However, it’s always best to be prepared with adequate insurance coverage in case something unexpected happens while living abroad.

Climate And Altitude

Oaxaca’s climate is warm and temperate, with temperatures averaging around 25°C throughout the year. However, because of its location in the mountains, Oaxaca can experience significant variations in temperature depending on altitude.

It’s important for digital nomads living in Oaxaca to prepare adequately for these changes before arriving. This includes packing clothing suitable for both hot and cold weather conditions, such as lightweight clothes and a coat or jacket.

In terms of health considerations associated with altitude, Oaxaca has an elevation of over 5,000 feet above sea level. As such, digital nomads living there should be aware of possible symptoms related to high-altitude sickness – including headaches, nausea and shortness of breath – especially when travelling to higher elevations like mountainous areas surrounding the city.

Overall though if you’re looking for an adventurous destination that offers unique cultural experiences amidst beautiful natural sites – all while staying connected digitally as a remote worker or entrepreneur- then choosing Oaxaca as your next stop might just be perfect!

Cons of living in Oaxaca

Here are some of the cons of living in Oaxaca:

  • Lack of infrastructure: Oaxaca is a developing country, and the infrastructure in some areas can be lacking. This can make it difficult to get around, especially if you don’t have a car.
  • Crime: Oaxaca is generally a safe city, but there is some petty crime, such as pickpocketing. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to protect your belongings.
  • Language barrier: Spanish is the official language of Mexico, and English is not widely spoken in Oaxaca. If you don’t speak Spanish, it can be difficult to communicate with locals and get around.
  • Healthcare: Healthcare in Oaxaca is not as good as in developed countries. If you have a medical emergency, you may need to be flown to Mexico City or another major city for treatment.
  • Culture shock: Moving to a new country can be a difficult adjustment, and you may experience culture shock. It’s important to be patient and understanding as you adjust to your new surroundings.

Despite these cons, Oaxaca is a beautiful and vibrant city with a lot to offer. If you’re looking for a place to live that is affordable, safe, and full of culture, Oaxaca may be the perfect place for you.

Here are some tips for minimizing the cons of living in Oaxaca:

  • Learn Spanish: Learning Spanish will make your life in Oaxaca much easier. You will be able to communicate with locals, get around, and find the best deals.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: This is important in any city, but it is especially important in Oaxaca. Be aware of your belongings and take precautions to protect them from pickpockets.
  • Get medical insurance: Medical insurance is a good idea for anyone living in Mexico. If you have a medical emergency, you may need to be flown to Mexico City or another major city for treatment.
  • Be patient and understanding: Moving to a new country can be a difficult adjustment. Be patient with yourself and with the people around you. It takes time to adjust to a new culture.

Final Thoughts And Tips For Digital Nomads living In Oaxaca city

As a digital nomad, it’s essential to take into consideration health and safety considerations in Oaxaca. While crime rates are relatively low, scams targeting foreigners can occur.

To avoid this, be wary of strangers offering you unsolicited help or deals that seem too good to be true.

Regarding healthcare and insurance, Mexico has both public and private healthcare systems with varying quality levels.

Another factor to consider is climate and altitude-related illnesses such as altitude sickness due to the elevation of some areas surrounding the city.

In conclusion, while there are plenty of benefits for digital nomads living in Oaxaca—affordable cost of living, vibrant culture, high-speed internet—the importance of taking care of yourself cannot be understated.

So what’s it really like to live in Oaxaca as a digital nomad? – a short guide to Oaxaca

Living in Oaxaca as a digital nomad is a unique and enriching experience. The city offers a vibrant and affordable lifestyle, combined with a rich cultural heritage and a thriving digital nomad community. Here’s a glimpse into what it’s like to live as a digital nomad in Oaxaca:

  1. Cost of Living: One of the major advantages of living in Oaxaca is its affordability. The cost of living is significantly lower compared to many other popular digital nomad destinations. Accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment are generally budget-friendly, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank.
  2. Co-working Spaces and Cafés: Oaxaca has a growing number of co-working spaces and cafés that cater to digital nomads. These spaces provide reliable internet connections, comfortable workstations, and a collaborative atmosphere. They often host networking events, workshops, and community activities, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your professional network.
  3. Digital Nomad Community: Oaxaca has a thriving digital nomad community, attracting individuals from around the world. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with fellow remote workers, exchange knowledge, share experiences, and even collaborate on projects. The community often organizes social events, meetups, and co-working sessions, fostering a sense of camaraderie and support.
  4. Cultural Immersion: Living in Oaxaca offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Mexican culture and traditions. The city is known for its vibrant festivals, colorful markets, and rich culinary scene. You can explore ancient ruins, visit artisanal workshops, and learn traditional crafts. The local people are friendly and welcoming, providing a warm and inclusive environment for foreigners.
  5. Nature and Outdoor Activities: Oaxaca’s surroundings are a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. From hiking in the Sierra Norte mountains to exploring the Hierve el Agua waterfalls and relaxing on pristine beaches, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with nature and engage in recreational activities. Oaxaca’s diverse landscapes offer endless possibilities for adventure and exploration.
  6. Food and Gastronomy: Oaxaca is a paradise for food lovers. The region is famous for its rich culinary heritage, including traditional dishes like mole, tlayudas, and mezcal. Exploring local markets and street food stalls will introduce you to an array of flavors and ingredients unique to the region. You can also take part in cooking classes and learn to prepare authentic Oaxacan cuisine.
  7. Safety and Well-being: Oaxaca is generally considered a safe city for both locals and foreigners. However, like in any urban area, it’s important to exercise basic precautions and be mindful of your surroundings. The city has a well-established healthcare system, and you can easily find medical facilities and pharmacies for any necessary healthcare needs.

Living in Oaxaca as a digital nomad offers a perfect blend of work-life balance, cultural immersion, and affordability. The city’s charm, vibrant community, and natural beauty make it an ideal destination for those seeking a fulfilling and enriching lifestyle while pursuing their remote work endeavors.


1. Where is Oaxaca and why is it a popular destination for digital nomads?

Oaxaca is a state located in southern Mexico, known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes and bustling creative scene. It offers an affordable cost of living compared to other major cities while providing plenty of opportunities for remote work.

2. What are the visa requirements for digital nomads wanting to stay long-term in Oaxaca?

If you plan on staying in Mexico longer than 180 days as a tourist or visitor, you’ll need to apply for either a temporary resident visa or permanent resident visa from your home country before departing.

3. Where can I find reliable coworking spaces in Oaxaca?

Some recommended coworking spaces include Hub Oaxaca, La Co-necta and Cowork Cafe Barista – all offering modern facilities with high-speed internet connections.

4. Are there any safety concerns I should be aware of when travelling to Oaxaca as a digital nomad?

As with any travel destination, it’s important to take safety precautions like avoiding certain areas at night time and being aware of your surroundings; however overall it’s considered safe during daylight hours especially if accompanied by someone who knows their way around streets well enough not just culture but also general geography so they can help navigate the city quickly & efficiently without getting lost easily whether driving yourself or walking through unfamiliar neighbourhoods!


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